Consultative Meeting of National Guidelines on Management of Opportunistic Infection and Antiretroviral Therapy for Adult at NPH (19 Oct, 2015) Download(2.20 KB) • Khmer only 19 October 2015 Training and Workshop
Dissemination National HSS among ANC and MSM 2014 (04/08/2015) Download(2.21 KB) 4 August 2015 Training and Workshop
Training on New Patient Forms, Kampong Cham Province (11-12-Dec-2014) Download(2.21 KB) • Khmer only 12 December 2014 Training and Workshop
Training on New Patient Forms, Preah Sihanouk Ville (03-04-Dec-2014) Download(2.22 KB) • Khmer only 4 December 2014 Training and Workshop
11th Regional Network Meeting on Management of OI/ART for Adult Counselors, Kampot (24-25 April, 2014) Download(2.23 KB) • Khmer only 25 April 2014 Training and Workshop
Training on New Patient Forms, Pursat Province (17-18-Dec-2014) Download(2.21 KB) • Khmer only 18 April 2014 Training and Workshop
Capacity Building Workshop on field Implementation of Cambodia 3.0 Initiative for OD Staff, Siem Reap Province (18-19 March 2014) Download(2.22 KB) • Khmer only 19 March 2014 Training and Workshop
Refresher Training on Data Management System, Siem Reap Province (03-05-Dec-2013) Download(2.23 KB) • Khmer only 5 December 2013 Training and Workshop
Orientation Workshop on Switching Protocol for Phasing Out the Use of d4T Among HIV Infected Patients on ART in Cambodia, Siem Reap (December 4, 2013) Download(2.25 KB) 4 December 2013 Training and Workshop
Early Warning Indicators 2013, Mondulkiri (28-29/Nov/2013) Download(2.25 KB) • Khmer only 29 November 2013 Training and Workshop