- Program Coordinator for HIV Program Implementation and Management (01 position) (Re-announce)
- Data Management Officer-Software Developer (01 position) (Re-announce)
- Provincial Data Management Officer (PVH) (01 position) (Re-announce)
- Provincial Data Management Officer (Kandal) (01 position) (Replacement)
- Data Entry Clerk_RH Roka (BTB) (01 position) (Re-announce)
- Data Entry Clerk_RH Prey Kabbas (TKO) (01 position) (Replacement)
- Data Entry Clerk_Clinic ART1_NCHADS (01 position) (Replacement)
The closing date for submitting application is on the 19th January, 2025 at 5.00PM.
14/02/2025 -
១-គណនេយ្យករគម្រោង US-CDC (ចំនួន ១រូប)
ផុតកំណត់ទទួលពាក្យ ថ្ងៃទី១២ ខែកុម្ភៈ ឆ្នាំ២០២៤25/01/2024